Call for Blog Posts on “AI in government” for a N3GZ-curated series at AI Policy Exchange

How will the use of Artificial Intelligence impact the public sector? How should governments regulate AI in public administration? Which questions should we ask ourselves around the use of AI in government?

We are looking for short and snappy English-language blog posts (750-1500 words) addressing these and similar questions for the AI Policy Exchange. On this website, N3GZ curates a blog series on “AI in government”.

Contributions from all disciplines and career stages are welcome.

Who or what is AI Policy Exchange?

AI Policy Exchange is a discussion blog on policy questions around Artificial Intelligence. It is run by a group of students of the National Law School of India University in Bangalore.

Contributions by the German Bertelsmann Foundation and Indian think tanks and research instutions vouch for the blog’s high standard.

Why should I participate?

A blog post on AI Policy Exchange can provide international visibility for you and your ideas. With reasonable effort, you can signal your expert-status on specific AI-related topics. Both AI Policy Exchange and N3GZ will beat their respective drums to increase your reach.

Blog posts are also an easy way to generate attention for your publications and projects, which you can of course link to. (Note that we will not publish articles of commercial advertising nature.)

Additionally, you will contribute to the global debate in AI and to international solidarity among young professionals’ initiatives on digitalisation. 🙂

How do I contribute?

Send your blog posts to
Please follow the author guidelines of AI Policy Exchange.

Within N3GZ, we will organise a quick and lightweight review process for language and content of your contribution. Then we will return your text with suggested changes and possible questions. Once these are solved, your blog posts goes on to be published.

If you are uncertain about your idea, you can send us a rough abstract and we will gladly give you feedback on whether it is a fit for the blog series.

The blog series is also open to authors who are not yet members of N3GZ!

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